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Lyric Search for artist 'Vasco Rossi' - 27 matches!
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Vasco Rossi Sheetmusic
All albums by Vasco Rossi
Vasco Rossi Reviews
Albachiara from album 'Va Bene Va Bene Cosi' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Bollicine from album 'Va Bene Va Bene Cosi' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Canzone Generale from album 'Stupido Hotel' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Colpa Dalfredo from album 'Va Bene Va Bene Cosi' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Deviazioni from album 'Va Bene Va Bene Cosi' by 'Vasco Rossi'
E Il Mattinov from album 'Canzoni Per Me' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Fegato Fegato Spappolato from album 'Va Bene Va Bene Cosi' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Idea 77 from album 'Canzoni Per Me' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Io No from album 'Canzoni Per Me' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Io Ti Accontento from album 'Stupido Hotel' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Luna Per Te from album 'Canzoni Per Me' by 'Vasco Rossi'
La Favola Antica from album 'Canzoni Per Me' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Laura from album 'Canzoni Per Me' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Ogni Volta from album 'Va Bene Va Bene Cosi' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Perchegrave Non Piangi Per Me from album 'Stupido Hotel' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Quanti Anni Hai from album 'Canzoni Per Me' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Quel Vestito Semplice from album 'Stupido Hotel' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Rewind from album 'Canzoni Per Me' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Siamo Soli from album 'Stupido Hotel' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Siamo Solo Noi from album 'Va Bene Va Bene Cosi' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Standing Ovation from album 'Stupido Hotel' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Stendimi from album 'Stupido Hotel' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Stupido Hotel from album 'Stupido Hotel' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Ti Prendo E Ti Porto Via from album 'Stupido Hotel' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Tu Vuoi Da Me Qualcosa from album 'Stupido Hotel' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Va Bene Va Bene Cosi from album 'Va Bene Va Bene Cosi' by 'Vasco Rossi'
Vita Spericolata from album 'Va Bene Va Bene Cosi' by 'Vasco Rossi'

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