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Lyric Search for artist 'Tonic' - 45 matches!
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Tonic Sheetmusic
All albums by Tonic
Tonic Reviews
Believe Me from album 'Head On Straight' by 'Tonic'
Bigot Sunshine from album 'Lemon Parade' by 'Tonic'
Casual Affair from album 'Lemon Parade' by 'Tonic'
Casual Affair from album 'Live And Enhanced' by 'Tonic'
Celtic Aggression from album 'Lemon Parade' by 'Tonic'
Come Rest Your Head from album 'Head On Straight' by 'Tonic'
Count On Me (Somebody) from album 'Head On Straight' by 'Tonic'
Do You Know from album 'Head On Straight' by 'Tonic'
Drag Me Down from album 'Sugar' by 'Tonic'
Eyes Of Sand from album 'Unknown' by 'Tonic'
Eyes Of Sand (Version 2) from album 'Unknown' by 'Tonic'
Flower Man from album 'Unknown' by 'Tonic'
Future Says Run from album 'Sugar' by 'Tonic'
Head On Straight from album 'Head On Straight' by 'Tonic'
If You Could Only See from album 'Live And Enhanced' by 'Tonic'
If You Could Only See from album 'Lemon Parade' by 'Tonic'
Irish from album 'Head On Straight' by 'Tonic'
Jumpin Jimmy (Stronger Than Mine) from album 'Sugar' by 'Tonic'
Knock Down Walls from album 'Sugar' by 'Tonic'
Lemon Parade from album 'Lemon Parade' by 'Tonic'
Lemon Parade from album 'Live And Enhanced' by 'Tonic'
Let Me Go from album 'Head On Straight' by 'Tonic'
Liar from album 'Head On Straight' by 'Tonic'
Love A Diamond from album 'Sugar' by 'Tonic'
Mean To Me from album 'Sugar' by 'Tonic'
Mountain from album 'Lemon Parade' by 'Tonic'
Mr Golden Deal from album 'Lemon Parade' by 'Tonic'
My Old Man from album 'Lemon Parade' by 'Tonic'
On Your Feet Again from album 'Head On Straight' by 'Tonic'
Open Up Your Eyes from album 'Live And Enhanced' by 'Tonic'
Open Up Your Eyes from album 'Lemon Parade' by 'Tonic'
Queen from album 'Sugar' by 'Tonic'
Ring Around Her Finger from album 'Head On Straight' by 'Tonic'
Roses from album 'Head On Straight' by 'Tonic'
Soldiers Daughter from album 'Lemon Parade' by 'Tonic'
Soldiers Daughter from album 'Live And Enhanced' by 'Tonic'
Sugar from album 'Sugar' by 'Tonic'
Sunflower from album 'Sugar' by 'Tonic'
Take Me As I Am from album 'Head On Straight' by 'Tonic'
Thick from album 'Lemon Parade' by 'Tonic'
Top Falls Down from album 'Sugar' by 'Tonic'
Waiting For The Light To Change from album 'Sugar' by 'Tonic'
Waltz With Me from album 'Sugar' by 'Tonic'
Wicked Soldier from album 'Lemon Parade' by 'Tonic'
You Wanted More from album 'Sugar' by 'Tonic'

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