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Lyric Search for artist 'Syd Barret' - 37 matches!
LETTERS for artist names containing word/phrase 'syd barret'
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Syd Barret Sheetmusic
All albums by Syd Barret
Syd Barret Reviews
Baby Lemonade from album 'Barrett' by 'Syd Barret'
Birdy Hop from album 'Opel' by 'Syd Barret'
Bob Dylan Blues from album 'Unknown' by 'Syd Barret'
Dark from album 'Madcap Laughs' by 'Syd Barret'
Dolly Rocker from album 'Opel' by 'Syd Barret'
Dominoes from album 'Barrett' by 'Syd Barret'
Effervescing Elephant from album 'Barrett' by 'Syd Barret'
Feel from album 'Madcap Laughs' by 'Syd Barret'
Gigolo Aunt from album 'Barrett' by 'Syd Barret'
Golden Hair from album 'Madcap Laughs' by 'Syd Barret'
Here I Go from album 'Madcap Laughs' by 'Syd Barret'
If Its In You from album 'Madcap Laughs' by 'Syd Barret'
It Is Obvious from album 'Barrett' by 'Syd Barret'
Lanky from album 'Opel' by 'Syd Barret'
Late Night from album 'Madcap Laughs' by 'Syd Barret'
Lets Split from album 'Opel' by 'Syd Barret'
Long Gone from album 'Madcap Laughs' by 'Syd Barret'
Love Song from album 'Barrett' by 'Syd Barret'
Love You from album 'Madcap Laughs' by 'Syd Barret'
Maisie from album 'Barrett' by 'Syd Barret'
Milky Way from album 'Opel' by 'Syd Barret'
No Good Trying from album 'Madcap Laughs' by 'Syd Barret'
No Mans Land from album 'Madcap Laughs' by 'Syd Barret'
No Mans Land (Spoken Piece) from album 'Unknown' by 'Syd Barret'
Octopus from album 'Madcap Laughs' by 'Syd Barret'
Opel from album 'Opel' by 'Syd Barret'
Rats from album 'Barrett' by 'Syd Barret'
Rooftop In A Thunderstorm from album 'Unknown' by 'Syd Barret'
She Took A Long Cold Look from album 'Madcap Laughs' by 'Syd Barret'
Snowing (Alternate Intro To Matilda Mother) from album 'Unknown' by 'Syd Barret'
Swan Lee (Silas Lang) from album 'Opel' by 'Syd Barret'
Terrapin from album 'Madcap Laughs' by 'Syd Barret'
The Word Song from album 'Opel' by 'Syd Barret'
Two Of A Kind from album 'Opel' by 'Syd Barret'
Waving My Arms In The Air I Never Lied To You from album 'Barrett' by 'Syd Barret'
Wined And Dined from album 'Barrett' by 'Syd Barret'
Wolfpack from album 'Barrett' by 'Syd Barret'

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