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Lyric Search for artist 'Paula Cole' - 36 matches!
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Paula Cole Sheetmusic
All albums by Paula Cole
Paula Cole Reviews
Amen from album 'Amen' by 'Paula Cole'
Be Somebody from album 'Amen' by 'Paula Cole'
Bethlehem from album 'Harbinger' by 'Paula Cole'
Black Boots from album 'Harbinger' by 'Paula Cole'
Carmen from album 'This Fire' by 'Paula Cole'
Chiaroscuro from album 'Harbinger' by 'Paula Cole'
Dear Gertrude from album 'Harbinger' by 'Paula Cole'
Feelin Love from album 'This Fire' by 'Paula Cole'
Free from album 'Amen' by 'Paula Cole'
Garden Of Eden from album 'Harbinger' by 'Paula Cole'
God Is Watching from album 'Amen' by 'Paula Cole'
Happy Home from album 'Harbinger' by 'Paula Cole'
Hitlers Brothers from album 'Harbinger' by 'Paula Cole'
Hush Hush Hush from album 'This Fire' by 'Paula Cole'
I Am So Ordinary from album 'Harbinger' by 'Paula Cole'
I Believe In Love from album 'Amen' by 'Paula Cole'
I Dont Want To Wait from album 'This Fire' by 'Paula Cole'
Jolene from album 'Unknown' by 'Paula Cole'
La Vie En Rose from album 'Unknown' by 'Paula Cole'
Latonya from album 'Amen' by 'Paula Cole'
Me from album 'This Fire' by 'Paula Cole'
Mississippi from album 'This Fire' by 'Paula Cole'
Nietzches Eyes from album 'This Fire' by 'Paula Cole'
Oh John from album 'Harbinger' by 'Paula Cole'
Our Revenger from album 'Harbinger' by 'Paula Cole'
Pearl from album 'Amen' by 'Paula Cole'
Rhythm Of Life from album 'Amen' by 'Paula Cole'
Road To Dead from album 'This Fire' by 'Paula Cole'
Saturn Girl from album 'Harbinger' by 'Paula Cole'
She Cant Feel Anything Anymore from album 'Harbinger' by 'Paula Cole'
Suwannee Jo from album 'Amen' by 'Paula Cole'
The Ladder from album 'Harbinger' by 'Paula Cole'
Throwing Stones from album 'This Fire' by 'Paula Cole'
Tiger from album 'This Fire' by 'Paula Cole'
Watch The Womans Hands from album 'Harbinger' by 'Paula Cole'
Where Have All The Cowboys Gone from album 'This Fire' by 'Paula Cole'

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