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Lyric Search for artist 'Paul Brandt' - 40 matches!
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Paul Brandt Sheetmusic
All albums by Paul Brandt
Paul Brandt Reviews
12 Step Recovery from album 'Calm Before The Storm' by 'Paul Brandt'
A Little In Love from album 'Outside The Frame' by 'Paul Brandt'
A Love That Strong from album 'Thats The Truth' by 'Paul Brandt'
A Star Is Born from album 'A Paul Brandt Christmasshall I Play For You' by 'Paul Brandt'
Add Em All Up from album 'Thats The Truth' by 'Paul Brandt'
All Over Me from album 'Calm Before The Storm' by 'Paul Brandt'
Calm Before The Storm from album 'Calm Before The Storm' by 'Paul Brandt'
Chain Reaction from album 'Outside The Frame' by 'Paul Brandt'
Dry Eye from album 'Outside The Frame' by 'Paul Brandt'
I Believe You from album 'Outside The Frame' by 'Paul Brandt'
I Do from album 'Calm Before The Storm' by 'Paul Brandt'
I Meant To Do That from album 'Calm Before The Storm' by 'Paul Brandt'
Its A Beautiful Thing from album 'Thats The Truth' by 'Paul Brandt'
Jingle Bells from album 'A Paul Brandt Christmasshall I Play For You' by 'Paul Brandt'
Lets Live It Up from album 'Thats The Truth' by 'Paul Brandt'
My Heart Has A History from album 'Calm Before The Storm' by 'Paul Brandt'
O Holy Night from album 'A Paul Brandt Christmasshall I Play For You' by 'Paul Brandt'
On The Inside from album 'Calm Before The Storm' by 'Paul Brandt'
One from album 'Outside The Frame' by 'Paul Brandt'
One And Only One from album 'Calm Before The Storm' by 'Paul Brandt'
Outside The Frame from album 'Outside The Frame' by 'Paul Brandt'
Pass Me By (If Youre Only Passing Through) from album 'Calm Before The Storm' by 'Paul Brandt'
Really And Truly from album 'Thats The Truth' by 'Paul Brandt'
Run Run Rudolph from album 'A Paul Brandt Christmasshall I Play For You' by 'Paul Brandt'
Santa Looked A Lot Like Daddy from album 'A Paul Brandt Christmasshall I Play For You' by 'Paul Brandt'
Scrap Piece Of Paper from album 'Thats The Truth' by 'Paul Brandt'
Silent Night from album 'A Paul Brandt Christmasshall I Play For You' by 'Paul Brandt'
Six Tons Of Toys from album 'A Paul Brandt Christmasshall I Play For You' by 'Paul Brandt'
Start Forever Over Again from album 'Outside The Frame' by 'Paul Brandt'
Take It From Me from album 'Calm Before The Storm' by 'Paul Brandt'
That Hurts from album 'Thats The Truth' by 'Paul Brandt'
Thats The Truth from album 'Thats The Truth' by 'Paul Brandt'
The Little Drummver Boy from album 'A Paul Brandt Christmasshall I Play For You' by 'Paul Brandt'
The Sycamore Tree from album 'Thats The Truth' by 'Paul Brandt'
The Way In A Manger from album 'A Paul Brandt Christmasshall I Play For You' by 'Paul Brandt'
Theres A World Out There from album 'Thats The Truth' by 'Paul Brandt'
We Are The One from album 'Outside The Frame' by 'Paul Brandt'
What Child Is This from album 'A Paul Brandt Christmasshall I Play For You' by 'Paul Brandt'
Whats Come Over You from album 'Outside The Frame' by 'Paul Brandt'
Yeah from album 'Outside The Frame' by 'Paul Brandt'

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