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Lyric Search for artist 'Kid Capri' - 22 matches!
LETTERS for artist names containing word/phrase 'kid capri'
For a PARTIAL match, CLICK on the letter the ARTIST starts with!

Kid Capri Sheetmusic
All albums by Kid Capri
Kid Capri Reviews
Apollo from album 'The Tape' by 'Kid Capri'
Billy from album 'The Tape' by 'Kid Capri'
Do Or Die from album 'Soundtrack To The Streets' by 'Kid Capri'
Dont Sweat Me from album 'The Tape' by 'Kid Capri'
Follow Me from album 'Soundtrack To The Streets' by 'Kid Capri'
Get Em from album 'The Tape' by 'Kid Capri'
Hang Em High from album 'The Tape' by 'Kid Capri'
Hot This Year from album 'Soundtrack To The Streets' by 'Kid Capri'
Jokes On You Jack from album 'The Tape' by 'Kid Capri'
Lords Party from album 'The Tape' by 'Kid Capri'
Loud And Clear from album 'Soundtrack To The Streets' by 'Kid Capri'
My Niggas from album 'Soundtrack To The Streets' by 'Kid Capri'
News Story from album 'The Tape' by 'Kid Capri'
One On One from album 'Soundtrack To The Streets' by 'Kid Capri'
Pay Attention from album 'The Tape' by 'Kid Capri'
Shout Outs from album 'The Tape' by 'Kid Capri'
Soundtrack To The Streets from album 'Soundtrack To The Streets' by 'Kid Capri'
Step Off from album 'The Tape' by 'Kid Capri'
This Is What You Came Here For from album 'The Tape' by 'Kid Capri'
Unify from album 'Soundtrack To The Streets' by 'Kid Capri'
Whisper from album 'The Tape' by 'Kid Capri'
You Know My Style from album 'The Tape' by 'Kid Capri'

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