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Lyric Search for artist 'Iron Butterfly' - 19 matches!
LETTERS for artist names containing word/phrase 'iron butterfly'
For a PARTIAL match, CLICK on the letter the ARTIST starts with!

Iron Butterfly Sheetmusic
All albums by Iron Butterfly
Iron Butterfly Reviews
Are You Happy from album 'In A Gadda Da Vida Atco' by 'Iron Butterfly'
Belda Beast from album 'Ball' by 'Iron Butterfly'
Filled With Fear from album 'Ball' by 'Iron Butterfly'
Flower And Beads from album 'In A Gadda Da Vida Atco' by 'Iron Butterfly'
Her Favorite Style from album 'Ball' by 'Iron Butterfly'
In The Crowds from album 'Ball' by 'Iron Butterfly'
In The Time Of Our Lives from album 'Unknown' by 'Iron Butterfly'
In A Gadda Da Vida from album 'In A Gadda Da Vida Atco' by 'Iron Butterfly'
It Must Be Love from album 'Ball' by 'Iron Butterfly'
Lonely Boy from album 'Ball' by 'Iron Butterfly'
Most Anything You Want from album 'In A Gadda Da Vida Atco' by 'Iron Butterfly'
My Mirage from album 'In A Gadda Da Vida Atco' by 'Iron Butterfly'
Possession from album 'Unknown' by 'Iron Butterfly'
Real Fright from album 'Ball' by 'Iron Butterfly'
Soul Experience from album 'Ball' by 'Iron Butterfly'
Stamped Ideas from album 'Unknown' by 'Iron Butterfly'
Termination from album 'In A Gadda Da Vida Atco' by 'Iron Butterfly'
The Time Of Our Lives from album 'Ball' by 'Iron Butterfly'
Unconscious Power from album 'Unknown' by 'Iron Butterfly'

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