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Lyric Search for artist 'Haircut 100' - 23 matches!
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Haircut 100 Sheetmusic
All albums by Haircut 100
Haircut 100 Reviews
40 40 Home from album 'Paint And Paint' by 'Haircut 100'
Baked Bean from album 'Pelican West' by 'Haircut 100'
Benefit Of The Doubt from album 'Paint And Paint' by 'Haircut 100'
Calling Captain Autumn from album 'Pelican West' by 'Haircut 100'
Fantastic Day from album 'Pelican West' by 'Haircut 100'
Favourite Shirts (Boy Meets Girl) from album 'Pelican West' by 'Haircut 100'
Fish In A Bowl from album 'Paint And Paint' by 'Haircut 100'
Hidden Years from album 'Paint And Paint' by 'Haircut 100'
High Noon from album 'Paint And Paint' by 'Haircut 100'
Immaterial from album 'Paint And Paint' by 'Haircut 100'
Infatuation from album 'Paint And Paint' by 'Haircut 100'
Kingsize (Youre My Little Steam Whistle) from album 'Pelican West' by 'Haircut 100'
Lemon Firebrigade from album 'Pelican West' by 'Haircut 100'
Love Plus One from album 'Pelican West' by 'Haircut 100'
Loves Got Me In Triangles from album 'Pelican West' by 'Haircut 100'
Marine Boy from album 'Pelican West' by 'Haircut 100'
Milk Film from album 'Pelican West' by 'Haircut 100'
Prime Time from album 'Paint And Paint' by 'Haircut 100'
Snow Girl from album 'Pelican West' by 'Haircut 100'
So Tired from album 'Paint And Paint' by 'Haircut 100'
Surprise Me Again from album 'Pelican West' by 'Haircut 100'
Too Up Two Down from album 'Paint And Paint' by 'Haircut 100'
Where Do You Run To Now from album 'Paint And Paint' by 'Haircut 100'

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