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Lyric Search for artist 'Fiona Apple' - 26 matches!
LETTERS for artist names containing word/phrase 'fiona apple'
For a PARTIAL match, CLICK on the letter the ARTIST starts with!

Fiona Apple Sheetmusic
All albums by Fiona Apple
Fiona Apple Reviews
A Mistake from album 'When The Pawn' by 'Fiona Apple'
Across The Universe from album 'Unknown' by 'Fiona Apple'
Angel from album 'Unknown' by 'Fiona Apple'
Carrion from album 'Tidal' by 'Fiona Apple'
Criminal from album 'Tidal' by 'Fiona Apple'
Fast As You Can from album 'When The Pawn' by 'Fiona Apple'
Get Gone from album 'When The Pawn' by 'Fiona Apple'
I Know from album 'When The Pawn' by 'Fiona Apple'
Limp from album 'When The Pawn' by 'Fiona Apple'
Love Ridden from album 'When The Pawn' by 'Fiona Apple'
Never Is A Promise from album 'Tidal' by 'Fiona Apple'
On The Bound from album 'When The Pawn' by 'Fiona Apple'
Pale September from album 'Tidal' by 'Fiona Apple'
Paper Bag from album 'When The Pawn' by 'Fiona Apple'
Please Come Home For Christmas from album 'Unknown' by 'Fiona Apple'
Please Send Me Someone To Love from album 'Unknown' by 'Fiona Apple'
Shadowboxer from album 'Tidal' by 'Fiona Apple'
Sitting In Limbo from album 'Unknown' by 'Fiona Apple'
Sleep To Dream from album 'Tidal' by 'Fiona Apple'
Slow Like Honey from album 'Tidal' by 'Fiona Apple'
Sullen Girl from album 'Tidal' by 'Fiona Apple'
The Child Is Gone from album 'Tidal' by 'Fiona Apple'
The First Taste from album 'Tidal' by 'Fiona Apple'
The Way Things Are from album 'When The Pawn' by 'Fiona Apple'
To Your Love from album 'When The Pawn' by 'Fiona Apple'
Use Me from album 'Unknown' by 'Fiona Apple'

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