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Lyrics Toolbar
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Lyric Search for artist 'Filter' - 26 matches!
LETTERS for artist names containing word/phrase 'filter'
For a PARTIAL match, CLICK on the letter the ARTIST starts with!

Filter Sheetmusic
All albums by Filter
Filter Reviews
(Cant You)trip Like I Do from album 'Unknown' by 'Filter'
Cancer from album 'Title Of Record' by 'Filter'
Captain Bligh from album 'Title Of Record' by 'Filter'
Consider This from album 'Short Bus' by 'Filter'
Dose from album 'Short Bus' by 'Filter'
Gerbil from album 'Short Bus' by 'Filter'
Hey Man Nice Shot from album 'Short Bus' by 'Filter'
I Will Lead You from album 'Title Of Record' by 'Filter'
Im Not The Only One from album 'Title Of Record' by 'Filter'
Its Gonna Kill Me from album 'Title Of Record' by 'Filter'
Its Over from album 'Short Bus' by 'Filter'
Jurassitol from album 'Unknown' by 'Filter'
Miss Blue from album 'Title Of Record' by 'Filter'
One from album 'Unknown' by 'Filter'
Sand from album 'Title Of Record' by 'Filter'
Skinny from album 'Title Of Record' by 'Filter'
So Cool from album 'Short Bus' by 'Filter'
Spent from album 'Short Bus' by 'Filter'
Stuck In Here from album 'Short Bus' by 'Filter'
Take A Picture from album 'Title Of Record' by 'Filter'
Take Another from album 'Short Bus' by 'Filter'
Thanks Bro from album 'Unknown' by 'Filter'
The Best Things from album 'Title Of Record' by 'Filter'
Under from album 'Short Bus' by 'Filter'
Welcome To The Fold from album 'Title Of Record' by 'Filter'
White Like That from album 'Short Bus' by 'Filter'

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9
