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Lyric Search for artist 'Falco' - 58 matches!
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Falco Sheetmusic
All albums by Falco
Falco Reviews
(Shes My)solid Booze from album 'Wiener Blut' by 'Falco'
America from album 'Falco 3' by 'Falco'
Auf Der Flucht from album 'Einzelhaft' by 'Falco'
Brillantinacute Brutalacute from album 'Junge Roemer' by 'Falco'
Cadillac Hotel from album 'Nachtflug' by 'Falco'
Coming Home from album 'Emotional' by 'Falco'
Cowboyz And Indianz from album 'Emotional' by 'Falco'
Crime Time from album 'Emotional' by 'Falco'
Dance Mephisto from album 'Nachtflug' by 'Falco'
Der Kommissar from album 'Einzelhaft' by 'Falco'
Do It Again from album 'Wiener Blut' by 'Falco'
Einzelhaft from album 'Einzelhaft' by 'Falco'
Emotional from album 'Emotional' by 'Falco'
Falco Rides Again from album 'Wiener Blut' by 'Falco'
Ganz Wien from album 'Einzelhaft' by 'Falco'
Garbo from album 'Wiener Blut' by 'Falco'
Helden Von Heute from album 'Einzelhaft' by 'Falco'
Hinter Uns Die Sintflut from album 'Einzelhaft' by 'Falco'
Hoch Wie Nie from album 'Junge Roemer' by 'Falco'
Ihre Tochter from album 'Junge Roemer' by 'Falco'
Its All Over Now Baby Blue from album 'Falco 3' by 'Falco'
Jah Vibration from album 'Nachtflug' by 'Falco'
Junge Roumlmer from album 'Junge Roemer' by 'Falco'
Kamikaze Cappa from album 'Emotional' by 'Falco'
Kann Es Liebe Sein from album 'Junge Roemer' by 'Falco'
Les Nouveaux Riches from album 'Emotional' by 'Falco'
Macho Macho from album 'Falco 3' by 'Falco'
Maschine Brennt from album 'Einzelhaft' by 'Falco'
Maumlnner Des Westens Any Kind Of Land from album 'Falco 3' by 'Falco'
Monarchy Now from album 'Nachtflug' by 'Falco'
Munich Girls (Lookin For Love) from album 'Falco 3' by 'Falco'
Nachtflug from album 'Nachtflug' by 'Falco'
Nie Mehr Schule from album 'Einzelhaft' by 'Falco'
No Answer (Hallo Deutschland) from album 'Junge Roemer' by 'Falco'
Nothin Sweeter Than Arabia from album 'Falco 3' by 'Falco'
Nur Mit Dir from album 'Junge Roemer' by 'Falco'
Out Of The Dark from album 'Unknown' by 'Falco'
Propaganda from album 'Nachtflug' by 'Falco'
Psychos from album 'Nachtflug' by 'Falco'
Rock Me Amadeus from album 'Falco 3' by 'Falco'
Satellite To Satellite from album 'Wiener Blut' by 'Falco'
Scandal from album 'Nachtflug' by 'Falco'
Siebzehn Jahr from album 'Einzelhaft' by 'Falco'
Steuermann from album 'Junge Roemer' by 'Falco'
Tango The Night from album 'Falco 3' by 'Falco'
The Kiss Of Kathleen Turner from album 'Emotional' by 'Falco'
The Sound Of Musik from album 'Emotional' by 'Falco'
The Star Of Moon And Sun from album 'Emotional' by 'Falco'
Time from album 'Nachtflug' by 'Falco'
Titanic from album 'Nachtflug' by 'Falco'
Tricks from album 'Wiener Blut' by 'Falco'
Tut Euch Amon (Tutankhamen) from album 'Junge Roemer' by 'Falco'
Untouchable from album 'Wiener Blut' by 'Falco'
Vienna Calling from album 'Falco 3' by 'Falco'
Walls Of Silence from album 'Wiener Blut' by 'Falco'
Wie Sand Am Himalaya from album 'Wiener Blut' by 'Falco'
Wiener Blut Die Medizin from album 'Wiener Blut' by 'Falco'
Zuviel Hitze from album 'Einzelhaft' by 'Falco'

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