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Lyric Search for artist 'Extol' - 34 matches!
LETTERS for artist names containing word/phrase 'extol'
For a PARTIAL match, CLICK on the letter the ARTIST starts with!

Extol Sheetmusic
All albums by Extol
Extol Reviews
26 Miles From Marathon from album 'Synergy' by 'Extol'
A Structure Of Souls from album 'Undeceived' by 'Extol'
And I Watch from album 'Undeceived' by 'Extol'
Aperture from album 'Synergy' by 'Extol'
Blood Red Cover from album 'Synergy' by 'Extol'
Burial from album 'Burial' by 'Extol'
Celestial Completion from album 'Burial' by 'Extol'
Christianity Misunderstood from album 'Northern Lights' by 'Extol'
Confession Of Inadequacy from album 'Synergy' by 'Extol'
Emancipation from album 'Synergy' by 'Extol'
Ember from album 'Undeceived' by 'Extol'
Embraced from album 'Burial' by 'Extol'
Grace For Succession from album 'Synergy' by 'Extol'
Inferno from album 'Undeceived' by 'Extol'
Innbydelse from album 'Burial' by 'Extol'
Justified from album 'Burial' by 'Extol'
Nihilism 2002 from album 'Synergy' by 'Extol'
Of Light And Shade from album 'Undeceived' by 'Extol'
Paradigms from album 'Synergy' by 'Extol'
Psychopath from album 'Synergy' by 'Extol'
Reflections Of A Broken Soul from album 'Burial' by 'Extol'
Renewal from album 'Undeceived' by 'Extol'
Renhetens Elv from album 'Burial' by 'Extol'
Scrape The Surface from album 'Synergy' by 'Extol'
Seek The Righteous from album 'Northern Lights' by 'Extol'
Shelter from album 'Undeceived' by 'Extol'
Superior from album 'Burial' by 'Extol'
Tears Of Bitterness from album 'Burial' by 'Extol'
The Prodigal Son from album 'Burial' by 'Extol'
Thrash Synergy from album 'Synergy' by 'Extol'
Time Stands Still from album 'Undeceived' by 'Extol'
Undeceived from album 'Undeceived' by 'Extol'
Vicious Intent from album 'Northern Lights' by 'Extol'
Work Of Art from album 'Burial' by 'Extol'

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