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Lyric Search for artist 'Dot Allison' - 11 matches!
LETTERS for artist names containing word/phrase 'dot allison'
For a PARTIAL match, CLICK on the letter the ARTIST starts with!

Dot Allison Sheetmusic
All albums by Dot Allison
Dot Allison Reviews
Alpha Female from album 'Afterglow' by 'Dot Allison'
Close Your Eyes from album 'Afterglow' by 'Dot Allison'
Colour Me from album 'Afterglow' by 'Dot Allison'
Did I Imagine You from album 'Afterglow' by 'Dot Allison'
I Wanna Feel The Chill from album 'Afterglow' by 'Dot Allison'
In Winter Chill from album 'Afterglow' by 'Dot Allison'
Message Personnel from album 'Afterglow' by 'Dot Allison'
Message Personnel Arab Strap Remix from album 'Afterglow' by 'Dot Allison'
Mo Pop from album 'Afterglow' by 'Dot Allison'
Morning Sun from album 'Afterglow' by 'Dot Allison'
Tomorrow Never Comes from album 'Afterglow' by 'Dot Allison'

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