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Lyric Search for artist 'Dog Fashion Disco' - 13 matches!
LETTERS for artist names containing word/phrase 'dog fashion disco'
For a PARTIAL match, CLICK on the letter the ARTIST starts with!

Dog Fashion Disco Sheetmusic
All albums by Dog Fashion Disco
Dog Fashion Disco Reviews
Castaway from album 'Committed To A Bright Future' by 'Dog Fashion Disco'
Deja Vu from album 'Committed To A Bright Future' by 'Dog Fashion Disco'
Dr Piranha from album 'Committed To A Bright Future' by 'Dog Fashion Disco'
Fetus On The Beat from album 'Committed To A Bright Future' by 'Dog Fashion Disco'
Love Song For A Witch from album 'Committed To A Bright Future' by 'Dog Fashion Disco'
Nude In The Wilderness from album 'Committed To A Bright Future' by 'Dog Fashion Disco'
Plastic Surgeons from album 'Committed To A Bright Future' by 'Dog Fashion Disco'
Pogo The Clown from album 'Committed To A Bright Future' by 'Dog Fashion Disco'
Rapist Eyes from album 'Committed To A Bright Future' by 'Dog Fashion Disco'
Scores For Porn from album 'Committed To A Bright Future' by 'Dog Fashion Disco'
The Acid Memoirs from album 'Committed To A Bright Future' by 'Dog Fashion Disco'
The Magical Band Of Fools from album 'Committed To A Bright Future' by 'Dog Fashion Disco'
Worm In A Dogs Heart from album 'Committed To A Bright Future' by 'Dog Fashion Disco'

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