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Lyric Search for artist 'Dishwalla' - 23 matches!
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Dishwalla Sheetmusic
All albums by Dishwalla
Dishwalla Reviews
5 Star Day from album 'And You Think You Know What Lifes About' by 'Dishwalla'
All She Can See from album 'Pet Your Friends' by 'Dishwalla'
Bottom Of The Floor from album 'And You Think You Know What Lifes About' by 'Dishwalla'
Charlie Browns Parents from album 'Pet Your Friends' by 'Dishwalla'
Counting Blue Cars from album 'Pet Your Friends' by 'Dishwalla'
Explode from album 'Pet Your Friends' by 'Dishwalla'
Give from album 'Pet Your Friends' by 'Dishwalla'
Gone Upside Down from album 'And You Think You Know What Lifes About' by 'Dishwalla'
Haze from album 'Pet Your Friends' by 'Dishwalla'
Healing Star from album 'And You Think You Know What Lifes About' by 'Dishwalla'
Miss Emma Peel from album 'Pet Your Friends' by 'Dishwalla'
Moisture from album 'Pet Your Friends' by 'Dishwalla'
Once In A While from album 'And You Think You Know What Lifes About' by 'Dishwalla'
Only For So Long from album 'Pet Your Friends' by 'Dishwalla'
Pop Guru from album 'And You Think You Know What Lifes About' by 'Dishwalla'
Pretty Babies from album 'Pet Your Friends' by 'Dishwalla'
So Blind from album 'And You Think You Know What Lifes About' by 'Dishwalla'
So Much Time from album 'And You Think You Know What Lifes About' by 'Dishwalla'
Stay Awake from album 'And You Think You Know What Lifes About' by 'Dishwalla'
The Bridge Song from album 'And You Think You Know What Lifes About' by 'Dishwalla'
The Feeder from album 'Pet Your Friends' by 'Dishwalla'
Truth Serum from album 'And You Think You Know What Lifes About' by 'Dishwalla'
Until I Wake Up from album 'And You Think You Know What Lifes About' by 'Dishwalla'

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