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Lyrics Toolbar
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We have 163136 lyrics in our database!
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Lyric Search for artist 'Default' - 24 matches!
LETTERS for artist names containing word/phrase 'default'
For a PARTIAL match, CLICK on the letter the ARTIST starts with!

Default Sheetmusic
All albums by Default
Default Reviews
(Taking My) Life Away from album 'Elocation' by 'Default'
All She Wrote from album 'Elocation' by 'Default'
Alone from album 'Elocation' by 'Default'
Break Down Doors from album 'Elocation' by 'Default'
By Your Side from album 'The Fallout' by 'Default'
Crossing The Line from album 'Elocation' by 'Default'
Cruel from album 'Elocation' by 'Default'
Deny from album 'The Fallout' by 'Default'
Enough from album 'Elocation' by 'Default'
Faded from album 'The Fallout' by 'Default'
Let You Down from album 'Elocation' by 'Default'
Let You Down from album 'The Fallout' by 'Default'
Live A Lie from album 'The Fallout' by 'Default'
Made To Lie from album 'Elocation' by 'Default'
Movin On from album 'Elocation' by 'Default'
One Late Night from album 'The Fallout' by 'Default'
Seize The Day from album 'The Fallout' by 'Default'
Sick And Tired from album 'The Fallout' by 'Default'
Slow Me Down from album 'The Fallout' by 'Default'
Somewhere from album 'The Fallout' by 'Default'
Throw It All Away from album 'Elocation' by 'Default'
Wasting My Time from album 'The Fallout' by 'Default'
Who Followed Who from album 'Elocation' by 'Default'
Without You from album 'Elocation' by 'Default'

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9
