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Lyric Search for artist 'Blindside' - 48 matches!
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Blindside Sheetmusic
All albums by Blindside
Blindside Reviews
About A Burning Fire from album 'About A Burning Fire' by 'Blindside'
Across Waters from album 'A Thought Crushed My Mind' by 'Blindside'
Across Waters Again from album 'About A Burning Fire' by 'Blindside'
Act from album 'A Thought Crushed My Mind' by 'Blindside'
After Youre Gone from album 'About A Burning Fire' by 'Blindside'
All Of Us from album 'About A Burning Fire' by 'Blindside'
As You Walk from album 'A Thought Crushed My Mind' by 'Blindside'
Born from album 'Blindside' by 'Blindside'
Caught A Glimpse from album 'Silence' by 'Blindside'
Coming Back To Life from album 'Silence' by 'Blindside'
Cute Boring Love from album 'Silence' by 'Blindside'
Daughter from album 'Blindside' by 'Blindside'
Die Buying from album 'About A Burning Fire' by 'Blindside'
Empty Box from album 'Blindside' by 'Blindside'
Eye Of The Storm from album 'About A Burning Fire' by 'Blindside'
Follow You Down from album 'About A Burning Fire' by 'Blindside'
Hooray Its La from album 'About A Burning Fire' by 'Blindside'
In The Air Of Truth from album 'A Thought Crushed My Mind' by 'Blindside'
Invert from album 'Blindside' by 'Blindside'
King Of The Closet from album 'A Thought Crushed My Mind' by 'Blindside'
Liberty from album 'Blindside' by 'Blindside'
Midnight from album 'Silence' by 'Blindside'
My Mothers Only Son from album 'A Thought Crushed My Mind' by 'Blindside'
Naumlra from album 'A Thought Crushed My Mind' by 'Blindside'
Nerve from album 'Blindside' by 'Blindside'
Never from album 'Blindside' by 'Blindside'
Nothing But Skin from album 'A Thought Crushed My Mind' by 'Blindside'
One Mind from album 'Blindside' by 'Blindside'
Painting from album 'Silence' by 'Blindside'
Pitiful from album 'Silence' by 'Blindside'
Replay from album 'Blindside' by 'Blindside'
Roads from album 'About A Burning Fire' by 'Blindside'
She Shut Your Eyes from album 'Silence' by 'Blindside'
Shekina from album 'About A Burning Fire' by 'Blindside'
Silence from album 'Silence' by 'Blindside'
Silver Speak from album 'A Thought Crushed My Mind' by 'Blindside'
Sleepwalking from album 'Silence' by 'Blindside'
Superman from album 'Blindside' by 'Blindside'
Swallow from album 'About A Burning Fire' by 'Blindside'
Teddybear from album 'Blindside' by 'Blindside'
The Endings from album 'Silence' by 'Blindside'
This Shoulder from album 'Blindside' by 'Blindside'
Thoughts Like Flames from album 'Silence' by 'Blindside'
Time Will Change Your Heart from album 'Silence' by 'Blindside'
Vow Of Silence from album 'A Thought Crushed My Mind' by 'Blindside'
Where Eye Meets Eye from album 'A Thought Crushed My Mind' by 'Blindside'
Where The Sun Never Dies from album 'About A Burning Fire' by 'Blindside'
You Can Hide It from album 'Silence' by 'Blindside'

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