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Lyric Search for artist 'Birthday Party' - 43 matches!
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Birthday Party Sheetmusic
All albums by Birthday Party
Birthday Party Reviews
6 Gold Blade from album 'Junkyard' by 'Birthday Party'
A Dead Song from album 'Prayers On Fire' by 'Birthday Party'
Big Jesus Trash Can from album 'Junkyard' by 'Birthday Party'
Blast Off from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Blundertown from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Capers from album 'Prayers On Fire' by 'Birthday Party'
Cry from album 'Prayers On Fire' by 'Birthday Party'
Dead Joe from album 'Junkyard' by 'Birthday Party'
Deep In The Woods from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Dull Day from album 'Prayers On Fire' by 'Birthday Party'
Dumb Europe from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Fears Of Gun from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Figure Of Fun from album 'Prayers On Fire' by 'Birthday Party'
Hamlet (Pow Pow Pow) from album 'Junkyard' by 'Birthday Party'
Happy Birthday from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Ho Ho from album 'Prayers On Fire' by 'Birthday Party'
Jennifers Veil from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Junkyard from album 'Junkyard' by 'Birthday Party'
Just You And Me from album 'Prayers On Fire' by 'Birthday Party'
Kathys Kisses from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Kewpie Doll from album 'Junkyard' by 'Birthday Party'
King Ink from album 'Prayers On Fire' by 'Birthday Party'
Kiss Me Black from album 'Junkyard' by 'Birthday Party'
Loose from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Mr Clarinet from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Mutiny In Heaven from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Nick The Stripper from album 'Prayers On Fire' by 'Birthday Party'
Pleasure Heads Must Burn from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Pleasure Is The Boss from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Prayers On Fire from album 'Prayers On Fire' by 'Birthday Party'
Release The Bats from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Say A Spell from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Several Sins from album 'Junkyard' by 'Birthday Party'
Shes Hit from album 'Junkyard' by 'Birthday Party'
Sonnys Burning from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Stow A Way from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Swampland from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
The Dim Locator from album 'Junkyard' by 'Birthday Party'
The Friend Catcher from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Vixo from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Wild World from album 'Unknown' by 'Birthday Party'
Yard from album 'Prayers On Fire' by 'Birthday Party'
Zoo Music Girl from album 'Prayers On Fire' by 'Birthday Party'

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