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'Its Gonna Rain (Living On Tiptoe)' by 'Yoko Ono'
from the album 'Unknown'
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Lyrics for 'Its Gonna Rain (Living On Tiptoe)' by 'Yoko Ono'
It's Gonna Rain, (it's Gonna Rain)
It's Gonna Rain, (it's Gonna Rain)
It's Gonna Rain Like You've Never Seen Before.
(it's Gonna Rain, It's Gonna Rain)
It's Like The Heaven Packed Out, The Sky Fell Out,
It's Gonna Rain, It's Gonna Rain.

You Say Life Is A Bowl Of Cherries,
You Give Me A Bowl Of Pits.
The Pits Will Grow Into Trees One Day,
I'm Getting My Cherries Anyway. (maybe So, Maybe So)
I'm Just Living On Tiptoe, (tiptoe)
Feeling Like So-so, (so-so)
Trying Not To Step On Your Eggs.
'cause I Know, It's Gonna Rain, It's Gonna Rain.

You Say Life Is A Bowl Of Cherries,
While Trying To Hide Your Bowl Of Pits.
Don't Tip My Bowl, Don't Crush My Cherries,
One Day You'll Get Your Trees And All. (yes, I Know, Yes I Know))
I'm Just Living On Tiptoe, (tiptoe)
Feeling Like So-so, (so-so)
Trying Not To Step On Your Eggs.
'cause I Know, It's Gonna Rain, It's Gonna Rain.

Shake Your Vessels, Break Your Pretzels,
It's Gonna Rain.
Shake Your Vessels, Break Your Pretzels,
It's Gonna Rain.

Shake Your Vessels, Break Your Pretzels,
It's Gonna Rain, It's Gonna Rain.
Shake Your Vessels, Break Your Pretzels,
It's Gonna Rain, It's Gonna Rain.
Shake Your Vessels, Break Your Pretzels,
It's Gonna Rain, It's Gonna Rain.
Shake Your Vessels, Break Your Pretzels,
It's Gonna Rain, It's Gonna Rain.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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