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'Lie Down (A Modern Love Song)' by 'Whitesnake'
from the album 'Live At Hammersmith'
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Lyrics for 'Lie Down (A Modern Love Song)' by 'Whitesnake'
You Got The Smile Of A Monalisa,
Know It All An' Giving Nothing Away.
You Make The Sins Of A Vestal Virgin,
Look Nothing More That A Roll In The Hay.

So Lie Down, I Think I Love You,
Lie Down, I Think I Care.
Lie Down, I Think I Love You,
Lie Down, I Think I Care.

You Give An Air Of The Dolce Vita,
Society's Made A Queen Out Of You.
Casanova Couldn't Take All Your Virtue,
But, Rock 'n' Roll Is Gonna Steal It From You.

So Lie Down, I Think I Love You,
Lie Down, I Think I Care.
Lie Down, I Think I Love You,
Lie Down, I Think I Care.

Come On, Girl, It'll Be Alright,
Easy Does It Nice And Slow.
Woah, You Know, Mama, That Tonight's The Night,
Come On And Let Your Feelings Show.

Take A Look In The Mirror,
Tell Me What You See.
If It Ain't Sweet Surrender
You Can Blame It On Somebody, Not The Devil In Me.

So Lie Down, I Think I Love You,
Lie Down, I Think I Care.
Lie Down, I Think I Love You,
Lie Down, I Think I Care.


Take A Look In The Mirror,
Tell Me What You See.
If It Ain't Sweet Surrender
You Can Blame It On Somebody, Not The Devil In Me.

Lie Down, I Think I Love You,
Lie Down, I Think I Care.
Lie Down, I Think I Love You,
Lie Down, I Think I Care...

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