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'Ugly' by 'Violent Femmes'
from the album 'Violent Femmes'
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Lyrics for 'Ugly' by 'Violent Femmes'
Crossed The Path Then I Followed Your Face
It Was Hard To Believe
It Was Hard To Trace
I Saw You Today
Seems Like I See You Everyday
But There's Something I Figured Out 'bout You
Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Yeah
So Ugly
I'm Tellin' You Strait
So Ugly
Don't Make A Mistake
Cause Your Ugly
You Could Bet It On The Bank
Say Why Why
Why Would I Lie To You
Why Would I Lie
Why Would I Lie
Your So Ugly
All The Time
You Ain't No Friend Of Mine
Cause Your Ugly
You Could Bet It On The Bank
Say Why Why
Why Would I Lie To You
Why Would I Lie
Why Would I Lie

When You Smile Or A Frown
I'm So Tired Of You Be'in Around
Engaged In Some Sexual Acts
We'll I'm Just Gonna Have To Tell You All The Facts
What Could That Be About,
Well Here's A Clue
Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Yeah
So Ugly
I'm Tellin' You Strait
So Ugly
Don't Make A Mistake
Cause Your Ugly
I'm Tellin' You That
I Say Why Why
Why Would I Lie To You
Why Would I Lie
Why Would I Lie
Your So Ugly
All The Time
You Ain't No Friend Of Mine
You Could Bet It On The Bank
Say Why Why
Why Would I Lie To You
Why Would I Lie
Why Would I Lie
Your So Ugly
La La La La
So Ugly....

Gordon Gano: Guitar, Lead Vocal
Brian Ritchie: Acoustic Bass Guitar, Electric Bass,vocals
Victor Delorenzo: Snare Drum And Trancephone, Vocals

Recorded At Castle Recording Company, London

© Gorno Music Reprinted With Permission

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