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'Im Taking Europe With Me' by 'Veruca Salt'
from the album 'Blow It Out Of Your Ass Its Veruca Salt'
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Lyrics for 'Im Taking Europe With Me' by 'Veruca Salt'
Sleep In Late A Day A Week A Year.
Open My Eyes, How'd I Get Here?
Order Food And Turn On Oprah.
Things Are Clean In Canada!

I Think I Just Might -- Prefer That
I Think I Just Might -- Repeat That
I Think I Just Might -- Repress That
I Think I Just Might
I Think I Just Might -- Veruca
I Think I Just Might -- Salt That
I Think I Just Might -- Change The Channel
I Think I Just Might

Thieves Are On The Loose Again, Yeah.
Thought You Were My Friend; You Are Not.
Find What Your Heart Is After.
Bite Your Tongue You Fucking Bastard.

I Think I Just Might -- Prefer That
I Think I Just Might -- Repeat That
I Think I Just Might -- Repress That
I Think I Just Might
I Think I Just Might -- Free That
I Think I Just Might -- Obsess That
I Think I Just Might -- Said Blow It Out Your Ass
I Think I Just Might


I'm Taking Europe With Me
So They'll Be One Less Soul To Rescue.
You Come With Me
So They'll Find Two Less Freaks At Sea.
(taking) Europe With Me,
So They'll Be One Less Soul To Rescue.
You Come With Me
So They'll Find Two Less Freaks At Sea.

C'est Tout, C'est Finit

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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