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'All Hail Me' by 'Veruca Salt'
from the album 'American Thighs'
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Lyrics for 'All Hail Me' by 'Veruca Salt'
So Sorry, Lady,
So Sorry Now,
I've Killed Your Baby,
I Don't Know How.

So Sorry, So Sorry Now,
So Sorry, So Sorry Now.

You-so Sorry Mister. (oh-oh, Oh-oh)
But Don't Look Now (oh-oh)
I've Got Your Sister (oh-oh)
I Shot Her Down.

So Sorry, So Sorry Now,
So Sorry, So Sorry Now.

'cos I'm A Bad Man, I Do What I Can.
I'm A Bad Man, I Do What I Can
I'm A Bad Man, I Do What I Can
All Hail Me.

So Sorry Mother
I've Let You Down
I'm Soaked In Blood Here
I Can't Get Out.

So Sorry, So Sorry Now X3
'cos I'm A Bad Man, I Do What I Can.
I'm A Bad Man, I Do What I Can.
I'm A Bad Man, I Do What I Can.
All Hail Me.

Ha, Ha, Ha, All Hail Me.
(oh, I'm Melting)
(melt Your Baby)
(that Did Not Hurt So Bad...)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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