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'Turning Japanese' by 'Vapors'
from the album 'Unknown'
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Lyrics for 'Turning Japanese' by 'Vapors'
By Dave Fenton

I've Got Your Picture Of Me And You
You Wrote "i Love You" I Love You Too
I Sit There Staring And There's Nothing Else To Do
Oh It's In Color Your Hair Is Brown
Your Eyes Are Hazel And Soft As Clouds
I Often Kiss You When There's No One Else Around

I've Got Your Picture, I've Got Your Picture
I'd Like A Million Of Them All Round My Cell
I Asked The Doctor To Take Your Picture
So I Can Look At You From Inside As Well
You've Got Me Turning Up And Turning Down
And Turning In And Turning 'round

I'm Turning Japanese
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
I Really Think So
Turning Japanese
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
I Really Think So
I'm Turning Japanese
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
I Really Think So
Turning Japanese
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
I Really Think So

I've Got Your Picture, I've Got Your Picture
I'd Like A Million Of Them All Round My Cell
I Want The Doctor To Take Your Picture
So I Can Look At You From Inside As Well
You've Got Me Turning Up And Turning Down And Turning In And Turning 'round

I'm Turning Japanese
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
I Really Think So
Turning Japanese
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
I Really Think So
I'm Turning Japanese
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
I Really Think So
Turning Japanese
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
I Really Think So

No Sex, No Drugs, No Wine, No Women
No Fun, No Sin, No You, No Wonder It's Dark
Everyone Around Me Is A Total Stranger
Everyone Avoids Me Like A Psyched Lone-ranger Everyone

That's Why I'm Turning Japanese
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
I Really Think So
Turning Japanese
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
I Really Think So
I'm Turning Japanese
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
I Really Think So
Turning Japanese
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
I Really Think So

Turning Japanese
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
I Really Think So
Turning Japanese
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
I Really Think So
Turning Japanese
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
I Really Think So
(think So Think So Think So)
Turning Japanese
I Think I'm Turning Japanese
I Really Think So

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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