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'How Many Say I' by 'Van Halen'
from the album 'Van Halen Iii'
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Lyrics for 'How Many Say I' by 'Van Halen'
Are You Ever So Silent, When She Wanted To Talk?
Or Couldn't Keep Quiet, When She Needed A Hug
Come On Too Strong, When A Little's Too Much
How Many, How Many, Say I

Go On And Say Yes, And Really Mean No
Would You Rather Guess, When You Just Don't Know
And Then Say I Love You, But Aren't Willing To Show
How Many, How Many, Say I
How Many, How Many, Say I

How Many Say I, How Many Say I
How Many Say I, How Many Say I

Say Live And Let Live, So Quick To Judge
Slow To Forgive, When You're Holding A Grudge
Don't Always Believe, All You Need Is Love
How Many, How Many, Say I
How Many, How Many, Say I
How Many, How Many, Say I

How Many Say I, How Many Say I
How Many Say I, How Many Say I
How Many Say I, How Many Say I
How Many Say I, How Many Say I

Have You Ever Looked Down When The Homeless Walked By?
Or Changed The Channel When You Saw A Hungry Child?
Know Something To Be True, Then Deny It
How Many, How Many, Say I
How Many, How Many, Say I
How Many, How Many, Say I

How Many Say I, How Many Say I
How Many Say I, How Many Say I
How Many Say I, How Many Say I
How Many Say I, How Many Say I

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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