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'Who Will Save The Sane' by 'Type O Negative'
from the album 'World Coming Down'
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Lyrics for 'Who Will Save The Sane' by 'Type O Negative'
Periodic Tableware
Psychotropic Science Fare

But Who Will - Save The Sane
Some Beings - Just Can't Change
Now - Crawl On By - A Fake - Tear In Your Eye
And Think - Isn't He Strange

Pseudogasmic Chemistry
Necromorphic Apathy

But Who Will - Save The Sane
Some Beings - Just Can't Change
Now - Crawl On By - A Fake - Tear In Your Eye
And Think - Isn't He Strange

Physical Laws Unapplied - Hamper My - Quest
Unsurreal World Of Unfailed - Hiv - Tests
Der Ubermensch Warning Of Pi Techno Junkies - 3.141592653
Come On Boy - Tell Me - Tell Me

Tentative Ambulance Date - Bound For G - Ward
Beartrap Psychiatrist Bait - Chew My Paw - Off
Unmercilessly We Will Take You Away To Slumber
But Only If You Can Recite Avogadro's Number
Come On Boy - Tell Me - Tell Me

But Who Will - Save The Sane
Some Beings - Just Can't Change
Now - Crawl On By - A Fake - Tear In Your Eye
And Think - Isn't He Strange

Now - Crawl On By - A Fake Tear In Your Eye
And Think - Wasn't He Strange

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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