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'How Could She' by 'Type O Negative'
from the album 'Life Is Killing Me'
All songs by Type O Negative
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Lyrics for 'How Could She' by 'Type O Negative'
Wilma Flintstone, Marcia Brady,
Alice Kramden, Gladys Kravitz,
Laverne And Shirley, Jeannie

Morticia Adams, Aunt Esther,
Sweet Polly Purebread, Natasha,
Mrs. Macgillicuddy

How Could She?

Ginger, Mary Anne, Mrs. Howell,
Samantha Stevens, Lieutentant Uhura,
Judy Jetson

Olive Oyl, Ethel Mertz,
Edith Bunker, Marilyn Munster,
Rhoda, Penny Robinson

How Could She?
Why Don't You Love Me Anymore?

Quite Upset, Angry, Just Plain Annoyed
No Recourse Except For Celluloid
In My Heart, I Know You Are Not Real
Though In Mind, Suspect You Still Can Feel

Walt Disney Or Hanna-barbera
Black Or White, Stunning Technicolor
Warner Brothers And The A.a.p.
I've Become Addicted To Tv

Crissy Snow, Catwoman,
Creepela, Weezie Jefferson,
Betty Rubble, Little Cindy Who

Penelope Pitstop, Lois Lane,
Vanna White, Wonder Woman,
Elly May, Maude, Witchiepoo

How Could She?
Why Don't You Love Me Anymore?
How Could You?

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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