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'I Think I Could Stand You Forever' by 'Toto'
from the album 'Turn Back'
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Lyrics for 'I Think I Could Stand You Forever' by 'Toto'
Would You Say No If I Asked You For Your Hand
Could You Believe In The Same Words That I Don't Understand
And Would You Cry If I Told You I Must Go


I've Been Waiting Such A Long, Long Time, I Think I Could Stand You Forever
I've Been Wanting You A Long, Long Time, I Think I Could Stand You Forever

Would You Say No If I Asked You For This One Chance
Am I A Fool To Believe That This Night Is Circumstance
I Wish That For Once You Could See The Look In Your Own Eyes


(instrumental Break)


I Think I Could Stand You Forever
Think I Could Stand You, Think I Could Stand You Forever, Yeah
Think I Could Stand You Forever, Yeah - I Think I Could Stand You
Think I Could Stand You Forever, Yeah - Forever And Ever
Think I Could Stand You Forever, Yeah
Think I Could Stand You Forever And Ever And Ever

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