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'Sleep' by 'Til Tuesday'
from the album 'Voices Carry'
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Lyrics for 'Sleep' by 'Til Tuesday'
Capo 1: Db Maps As C

*** Verse 1:
C Bm
You Are On Your Honor, Now Be On Your Way
C Bm A
I'll Be Right Behind You, You Can Hear Me Say

*** Chorus:
D G Em
Sleep, Close Your Eyes, Say Goodnight Now
D G Em
He Is Waiting
D G Em
Sleep, Close Your Eyes, Say Your Prayers Now
D G Em
He Is Waiting

*** Verse 2:
Thought You'd Live Forever, Thought You'd Never Die C Bm
I Am So Familiar, With Each Lonely Cry c Bm A
Oh Baby Don't Cry A

*** Chorus:
Sleep, Close Your Eyes, Say Goodnight Now D G Em
He Is Waiting D g Em
Sleep, Close Your Eyes, Say Your Prayers Now D G em
He Is Waiting D G Em

*** Bridge:
A Bm G
Thought You'd Live Forever
A Bm G
Thought You'd Change Your Mind
A Bm G
Oh, When You Get To Heaven
A Bm G
Tell Me What You Find
Peace Of Mind, I Hope

*** Chorus:
Sleep, Close Your Eyes, Say Goodnight Now D G em
He Is Waiting D G Em
Sleep, Close Your Eyes, Say Your Prayers Now D G Em
He Is Waiting d G Em

*** Chorus:
Sleep, Close Your Eyes, Say Goodnight Now d G Em
He Is Waiting D G Em
Sleep, Close Your Eyes, Say Your Prayers Now D G Em
Oh I'll Be Waiting D G Em

*** Coda:
Say Goodnight d G Em
You're Not Forsaken D g Em
Say Goodnight D G em
He's Waiting D G Em

Say Goodnight D G em
You're Not Forsaken D G Em
Say Goodnight D G Em
He's Waiting

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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