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'Die Laughing' by 'Therapy'
from the album 'Troublegum'
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Lyrics for 'Die Laughing' by 'Therapy'
Gimme Something To Breathe Give Me A Reason To Live Close Your Eyes And See What You Have Inside I Think I've Gone
Insane I Can't Remember My Own Name I Think I've Gone Insane And Your Friends Just Tell You Lies Then You Realize I
Think I've Gone Insane I Can't Remember My Own Name I Think I've Gone Insane I Think I've Gone Insane I Can't
Remember My Own Name I Think I've Gone Insane Lost In A World With No Reality I'm Frightened To Move I'm Frightened
To Speak And I Would Kill For A Good Nights Sleep I'm Feeling I'm Feeling Dead I Think I've Gone Insane I Can't
Remember My Own Name I Think I've Gone Insane I Think I've Gone Insane I Can't Remember My Own Name I Think I've
Gone Insane

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