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'Practice What You Preach' by 'Testament'
from the album 'Practice What You Preach'
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Lyrics for 'Practice What You Preach' by 'Testament'
You Think Your Life's So Grand
You Don't Believe A Word You Say
Your Feet Aren't On The Ground
You Let Your Life Just Slip Away
Just So Uncertain Of Your Body And Your Soul
The Promises You Make Your Mind Go Blank
And Then You Lose Control, Then You Lose Control!

I Never Was The One, The One To Say
The Things You Say
Never Seem To Wonder What You Say
You Think You've Got Your Life Completely In Control
You've Got A Lot To Learn, The Bridge You Burned
It's Gonna Take Its Toll!!! Pay The Burnt Bridge Toll!!!

So Practice What You Preach!
Practice What You Preach!
Practice What You Preach!
Practice What You Preach!

You Think Your Life's So Grand
You Don't Believe A Word You Say
Your Feet Aren't On The Ground
You Let Your Life Just Slip Away
Just So Uncertain Of Your Body And Your Soul
The Promises You Make Your Mind Goes Blank
And Then You Lose Control
Pay The Burnt Bridge Toll, Then You Lose Control
Pay The Burnt Bridge Toll, So Practice What You Preach!

Practice What You Preach!
Practice What You Preach!
Practice What You Preach!

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