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'Human' by 'Tanya Donelly'
from the album 'Unknown'
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Lyrics for 'Human' by 'Tanya Donelly'
( Sliding And Diving Ep )
Some Sun-faded Beauty Let You Down
And I'm Supposed To Feel Bad About It Now

Do You Think You Look Human To Me?
Do You Think You Look Human To Me?

And On That Ride You Took Your Sister Down
And I'm Supposed To Feel Some Pity For You Now

Do You Think You Look Human To Me?
Do You Think You Look Human To Me?

I Don't Know What You Expected
You're Barely Homo-erectus

Why Do You
Why Do You
Why Do You...

Some Sun-faded Beauty Let You Down
And I'm Supposed To Feel Bad About It Now

Do You Think You Look Human To Me?
Do You Think You Look Human To Me?

Do You Think You Look Human To Me?

I Don't Know What You Expected
You're Barely Homo-erectus

Tell Me What You Really Want
Tell Me What You Really Want
Tell Me What You Really Want

Why Do You
Why Do You
Why Do You...

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