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'So Lonely' by 'Sting And Police'
from the album 'Every Breath You Take The Classics'
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Lyrics for 'So Lonely' by 'Sting And Police'
Well, Someone Told Me Yesterday
That When You Throw Your Love Away
You Act As If You Don't Care
You Look As If You're Going Somewhere
But I Just Can't Convince Myself
I Couldn't Live With No One Else
And I Can Only Play That Part
And Sit And Nurse My Broken Heart, So Lonely
So Lonely, So Lonely, So Lonely
So Lonely, So Lonely, So Lonely
So Lonely, So Lonely, So Lonely
So Lonely, So Lonely

Now No-one's Knocked Upon My Door
For A Thousand Years, Or More
All Made Up And Nowhere To Go
Welcome To This One Man Show
Just Take A Seat, They're Always Free
No Surprise, No Mystery
In This Theatre That I Call My Soul
I Always Play The Starring Role, So Lonely
So Lonely, So Lonely, So Lonely
So Lonely, So Lonely, So Lonely
So Lonely, So Lonely, So Lonely
So Lonely, So Lonely
So Lonely
So Lonely, So Lonely, So Lonely
So Lonely, So Lonely, So Lonely
I Feel Lonely, I'm So Lonely, I Feel So Low
I Feel Lonely, I'm So Lonely, I Feel So Low

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