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'Roll Up And Shine' by 'Stereophonics'
from the album 'Performance And Cocktails'
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Lyrics for 'Roll Up And Shine' by 'Stereophonics'
Why Don't You Take A Look In My Mouth
Why Don't You Take A Look At Yourself
So Why Don't You Take A Look Around
So Why Don't We Take A Look Inside
Roll Out The Shock Parade
Free Falling From A Stage
Performance And Cocktails
Roll Up And Shine
I Hang The Devil From A Circus Wire
Face Up Seats Four In Love Spittin Fire
So Why Don't You Take A Look Around
So Why Don't We Take A Look Inside
It's Time To Live It's Time To Love
It's Time To Do What's Afraid Of
It's Time To Breathe Time To Relieve
It's Time To Shine
So Why Don't You Take A Look Around
So Why Don't We Take A Look Inside
Roll Out The Shock Parade
Free Falling From A Stage
Performance And Cocktails
Roll Up And Shine
Bring On Your Shock Parade
Freaks Falling From The Stage
Performance And Cocktails
Roll Up And Shine

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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