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'Desperate Now' by 'Stabbing Westward'
from the album 'Darkest Days'
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Lyrics for 'Desperate Now' by 'Stabbing Westward'
I Keep Breaking All The Promises
That I Keep Making To Myself
You'd Think By Now That I'd Be Over This
Instead I'm Feeling Sorry For Myself
So Why Does Everything Seem Desperate Now
I Should Be Feeling So Alive
But It Feels Like Something's Missing
Something's Wrong Somehow
It Feels Like Something Deep Inside Has Died
So Why Do I Feel Desperate Now
Why Do I Feel Like Dying
Why Do I Feel Desperate Now
Why Do I Feel Desperate Now

I Keep Breaking All The Promises
That I Keep Making To Myself
But Promises Mean Nothing To Me Anymore
Circling The Drain
Spiraling To Hell

So Why Do I Feel Desperate Now
Why Do I Feel Like Dying
Why Do I Feel Desperate Now
Why Do I Feel Desperate Now

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