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'I Think God Can Explain' by 'Splender'
from the album 'Halfway Down The Sky'
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Lyrics for 'I Think God Can Explain' by 'Splender'
There's A Lot Of Things I Understand,
And There's A Lot Of Things,
That I Don't Want To Know.
But You're The Only Face,
I Recognize, It's So Damn Sweet Of You,
To Look Me In The Eyes.
It's All Right, I'm O.k.,
I Think God Can Explain,
I Believe I'm The Same,
I Get Carried Away
It's Alright, I'm O.k.,
I Think God Can Explain
I'm Relieved, I'm Relaxed,
I'll Get Over It Yet,
The Scent Of Vaseline,
In The Summertime,
The Feel Of An Ice Cube,
Melting Over Time,
The World Seems Bigger Than Both Of Us,
Yet It Seems So Small,
When I Begin To Cry.
It's All Right, I'm O.k.,
I Think God Can Explain,
I Believe I'm The Same,
I Get Carried Away
It's Alright, I'm O.k.,
I Think God Can Explain
I'm Relieved, I'm Relaxed,
I'll Get Over It Yet,
I'm So Much Better Than You Guessed,
I'm So Much Bigger Than You Guessed,
I'm So Much Brighter Than You Guessed.
It's All Right, I'm O.k.,
I Think God Can Explain,
I Believe I'm The Same,
I Get Carried Away
It's Alright, I'm O.k.,
I Think God Can Explain
I'm Relieved, I'm Relaxed,
I'll Get Over It Yet,
I'll Get Off Of Your Back,
I Think God Can Explain.
I Think God Can Explain.
I Think God Can Explain.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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