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'Scotty Doesnt Know' by 'Soundtracks'
from the album 'Eurotrip'
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Lyrics for 'Scotty Doesnt Know' by 'Soundtracks'

Scotty Doesn't Know,
That Fionna And Me,
Do It In My Van Every Sunday.

She Tells Him Shes In Church,
But She Doesn't Go,
Still She's On Her Knees, And...

Scotty Doesn't Know, Oh.
Scotty Doesn't Know-oh.
So Don't Tell Scotty!
Scotty Doesn't Know,
Scotty Doesn't Know.
So Don't Tell Scotty!

Fionna Says Shes Out Shopping,
But She's Under Me And I'm Not Stopping.

Cuz Scotty Doesn't Know,
Scotty Doesn't Know,
Scotty Doesn't Know,
Scotty Doesn't Know.
So Don't Tell Scotty.
Scotty Doesn't Knoooooow....
Don't Tell Scotty!

I Can't Believe He's So Trusting,
While I'm Right Behind You Thrusting.

Fionna's Got Him On The Phone,
And She's Trying Not To Moan.
It's A Three Way Call,
And He Knows Nothing.

Scotty Doesn't Know,
Scotty Doesn't Know,
Scotty Doesn't Know,
Don't Tell Scotty.
Cuz Scotty Doesn't Know,
Scotty Doesn't Knoooooow....
So Don't Tell Scotty!

What A Show, Everyone Will Go.
Scotty Doesn't Know,
Scotty Doesn't Know,
Scotty Doesn't Knoooooow....

The, Parking Lot, Why Not?
It's So Cool When You're On Top.
His Full On, Your Stuck.
Life Is So Hard, Cuz...

Scotty Doesn't Know,
Scotty Doesn't Know.

I Did Her On His Birthday.

Scotty Doesn't Know,
Scotty Doesn't Know,
Scotty Doesn't Know,
Scotty Doesn't Know,
Don't Tell Scotty.
Scotty Doesn't Knoooooow....

Scotty Will Know,
Scotty Has To Know,
Scotty's Gotta Know,
Gonna Tell Scotty,
Gonna Tell Him Myself.

Scotty Has To Know,
Scotty Has To Know,
Scotty Has To,
Scotty Has To,
Scotty Has To Go!

Scotty Doesn't Know,
(don't Tell Scotty)
Scotty Doesn't Know,
(don't Tell Scotty)
Scotty Doesn't Know...
Scotty's Gotta Go!

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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