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'Let It Go' by 'Skunk Anansie'
from the album 'Unknown'
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Lyrics for 'Let It Go' by 'Skunk Anansie'
Two Coloured Eyes, Blind Race Of Ice
Unturned My Swallowed Intent, Fucking My Sense Up, Interrogance
He Fist Will Hold My World Let `em Go, Into His World
Let `em Go, You Know, You`ve Got To Let Them Ride,
You`ve Got To Let `em Ride, Let `em Ride

Now All My Days, I Feel Restraint
Since Who Am I ? My Kindest Words,
But No More Time To Feel Content,
My Time Means, Means More Than You!

And Let It Go
I Won`t Be You And Let It Go
You`ve Got To Let It Ride, Let It Ride,
You`ve Got To Let It Ride, Oh, Oh

How Pathetic I Solace, I Will Never Comprehend
How I`m Falling, Falling From The Truth, Oooh

Let It Go, Into His World, Let `em Go Into His World
I`ve Got To Let It Ride, Got To Let It Ride,
I`ve Got To Let It Ride, Got To Let It Ride, You Know
Got To Let It Ride, I`ve Got To Let It Ride,
I`ve Got To Let It Ride, I`ve Got To Let It Ride, I`ve Got To Let It Ride

Two Coloured Eyes, Blind Race Of Ice
Unturned My Swallowed Intent

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