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'Let The Children Speak' by 'Simple Minds'
from the album 'Real Life'
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Lyrics for 'Let The Children Speak' by 'Simple Minds'
Time - Way Out Of Line
A Whole Nation Waits Outside
The Rhythm Of Tomorrow
They Can Dance Away Their Sorrows Tonight
Lost - Broken And Scarred
Prisoner Waits Outside With His Lone Heart Beating
Let The Children, Let The Children
Let The Children, Let The Children Speak
Let The Children - Let The Children Speak

Aims - Dangerous Games
Their Mother Says One False Move And We All Get Hurt
I Feel This Sense Of Power I Feel It Every Hour Tonight

Let's Not Get Lazy Tonight
Things Could Get Crazy Cos
One More Kick And The Door Cracks Open
Let The Children, Let The Children
Let The Children, Let The Children Speak

Let The Children, Let The Children
Let The Children, Let The Children
Power To The Powerless Strength Unto The Weak
Let The Children, Let The Children
Let The Children, Let The Children Speak
I'm Begging You Now Let The Children, Let The Children
Let The Children, Let The Children
Power To The Powerless, Strength Unto The Weak
Let The Children, Let The Children
Let The Children, Let The Children Speak

Let's Not Get Lazy Tonight
Things Could Get Crazy Cos
One Last Kick And The Door Cracks Open
Let The Children, Let The Children
Let The Children, Let The Children Speak

Power To The Powerless, Strength Unto The Weak
Let The Children, Let The Children
Let The Children, Let The Children Speak
Things Could Get Crazy Tonight
Let's Not Get Lazy Cos
One Last Kick And The Door Cracks Open
Let The Children, Let The Children
Let The Children, Let The Children Speak
I'm Begging You Now
Let The Children, Let The Children
Let The Children, Let The Children
Power To The Powerless, Strength Unto The Weak
Let The Children, Let The Children
Let The Children, Let The Children Speak
The Language Of This World
Let's Not Get Lazy Cos
One False Move And We All Get Hurt
Let The Children, Let The Children
Let The Children, Let The Children Speak

The Language Of This World
Things Could Get Crazy

Written By Kerr/burchill (c) Emi Publishing Ltd Reproduced Without Permission

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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