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'I Think Youre Beautiful' by 'Shane Minor'
from the album 'Shane Minor'
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Lyrics for 'I Think Youre Beautiful' by 'Shane Minor'
(steve Diamond/maribeth Derry)

I Meant To Tell You Yesterday
How The Sun Looked In Your Hair
And How The Light Danced In Your Eyes
As You Were Standing There
I Searched My Soul For Clever Ways To Say The Words
And Though I'm Not A Poet
There's Something You Should Know

I Think You're Beautiful
I Think You're Wonderful
And It Just Takes My Breath Away
I Think You're Magical
And When I'm With You Girl
If My Heart Could Speak, Then You Would Hear It Say
I Think You're Beautiful, So Beautiful

I Placed A Solitary Rose
On Your Pillow As You Sleep
Will You Touch It To Your Lips
Everytime You Think Of Me
I Try To Show You With These Little Things I Do
That One Thing Never Changes
When It Comes To You

I Think You're Beautiful
I Think You're Wonderful
And It Just Takes My Breath Away
I Think You're Magical
And When I'm With You Girl
If My Heart Could Speak, Then You Would Hear It Say
I Think You're Beautiful, So Beautiful

Forgive Me Baby If I Stop And Stare
But Your Kind Of Beauty Is So Fine And Rare
Just Let Me Say What's On My Mind
Baby Let Me Tell You One More Time

I Think You're Beautiful
I Think You're Wonderful
And It Just Takes My Breath Away
I Think You're Magical
And When I'm With You Girl
If My Heart Could Speak, Then You Would Hear It Say
I Think You're Beautiful, So Beautiful

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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