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'I Really Dont Think So' by 'Scene 23'
from the album 'Popstars 2 Introducing Scene 23'
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Lyrics for 'I Really Dont Think So' by 'Scene 23'
Why Does Everything Have To Be A Love Thing?
Think Of All The Sorrow That Love Brings.
Is It Where You Really Wanna Go,
No, I Really Don't Think So.

You Know That I Go Back.
You Doing What You Want,
Without You Letting Me Know That You Do.
So I Can Do It Too.
We've Been So Together,
And If There Were Ever Reasons To Change It,
I'm Sure We Could Arrange It Baby.
Somethin's Wrong,
If You Really Think That You're The One To Get Away With It.
I Know What You're Thinking; It's Starting To Sink In Well

Why Does Everything Gotta Be A Love Thing?
Think Of All The Sorrow That Love Brings.
Is It Where You Really Wanna Go,
No, I Really Don't Think So.
Why Does Everything Gotta Be A Love Thing?
Why Can't We Dig Each Other And Just Hang?
Is It Where You Really Wanna Go,
No, I Really Don't Think So.

I'm Not Worn To Go On,
You're Preconceptions Of Correct Behavior,
It's Really Not My Flavor Baby.
Something's Wrong,
If You Really Think That You're The One To Get Away With It.
I Know What You're Thinking; It's Starting To Sink In Now

Why Does Everything Gotta To Be A Love Thing?
Think Of All The Sorrow That Love Brings.
Is It Where You Really Wanna Go,
No, I Really Don't Think So.
Why Does Everything Gotta Be A Love Thing?
Why Can't We Dig Each Other And Just Hang?
Is It Where You Really Wanna Go,
No, I Really Don't Think So.

I Don't Need A Ring On My Finger,
I Kinda Like Being Single.
Commitment Don't Fit Me,
It Bit Me One Time And I Still Don't Know.

Why Does Everything Have To Be A Love Thing?
Think Of All The Sorrow That Love Brings.
Is It Where You Really Wanna Go,
No, I Really Don't Think So.

Why Does Everything Have To Be A Love Thing?
Think Of All The Sorrow That Love Brings.
Is It Where You Really Wanna Go,
No, I Really Don't Think So.
Why Does Everything Gotta Be A Love Thing?
Why Can't We Dig Each Other And Just Hang?
Is It Where You Really Wanna Go,
No, I Really Don't Think So.
I Really Don't Think So

(chorus Keeps On Repeating Until Fully Fades)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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