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'Whispering Grass' by 'Sandy Denny'
from the album 'Like An Old Fashioned Waltz'
All songs by Sandy Denny
All albums by Sandy Denny
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Lyrics for 'Whispering Grass' by 'Sandy Denny'
Why Do You Whisper, Green Grass,
Why Tell The Trees What Ain't So?
Whispering Grass,
The Trees Don't Have To Know.

Why Tell Them All Your Secrets,
Who Kissed There Long Ago?
Whispering Grass,
The Trees Don't Need To Know.

Don't You Tell It To The Breeze,
`cos She Will Tell The Birds And Bees,
And Everyone Will Know
Because You Told Them Once Before.
Yes You Told Them Once Before,
It's No Secret Anymore.

Why Tell Them All The Old Things,
They're Buried Under The Snow.
Whispering Grass, Don't Tell The Trees,
'cos The Trees Don't Need To Know.

Now Don't You Tell It To The Breeze
`cos She Will Tell The Birds And Bees,
And Everyone Will Know
Because You Told Them Once Before.
Yes You Told Them Once Before,
It's No Secret Anymore.

Why Tell Them All The Old Things,
They're Buried Under The Snow.
Whispering Grass, Don't Tell The Trees,
'cos The Trees Don't Need To Know.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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