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'Why Dont You Dance' by 'Rick Springfield'
from the album 'Unknown'
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Lyrics for 'Why Dont You Dance' by 'Rick Springfield'
Why Can I Still See
Out On The Floor
You Shimmy And Shake It
And We Head For The Door
Then We Take A Ride Naked
There Was No Need To Fake It

Moving Like A Mountain
(moving Like A Mountain)
You're My Little Wild One
(you're My Little Wild One)
Coming Like A Fountain
(coming Like A Fountain)
What Happened To That Big Fun
(what Happened To That Big Fun)

Shake It
Oh There She Goes Drifting Across The Floor
Don't You Shimmy, Don't You Shake
Don't You

Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance

What Happened To The Wide Eyed Girl
Who Wanted A Piece Of My Soul

Remember That Friday
I Saw You With That Sinner
He Stood Up And Held Out His Hand
Just Like A Winner
I Said If You Take My Hand To Shake It
I'll Take Your Face And Break It

I Think I Saw You Crying
(i Think I Saw You Crying)
You Walked Out With That Big Gun
(you Walked Out With That Big Gun)
Nights When I'm Not Lying
(nights When I'm Not Lying)
I Miss My Little Wild One
(i Miss My Little Wild One)

Oh Baby I Remember How You'd
Shiver To My Touch
Don't You Shake
Don't You Shimmy, Baby

Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance

Oh Step Back In Time
And See That Scene Again
Let's Dance Again
Oh Baby

Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance

Don't You

Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Don't You

Moving Like A Mountain
(moving Like A Mountain)
You're My Little Wild One
(you're My Little Wild One)
Coming Like A Fountain
(coming Like A Fountain)
What Happened To That Big Fun
(what Happened To That Big Fun)

Shake It
Oh There She Goes Drifting Across The Floor
Don't You Shimmy, Don't You Shake
Don't You

Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance

Why Don't You Shake Baby You
Why Don't You Baby

Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance
Why Don't You Dance

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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