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'Just One Kiss' by 'Rick Springfield'
from the album 'Success Hasnt Spoiled Me Yet'
All songs by Rick Springfield
All albums by Rick Springfield
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Lyrics for 'Just One Kiss' by 'Rick Springfield'
You Look A Little Lonely, Babe, A Little Blue
You Know You're Not The Only One, I'm Lonely Too
I Been Surviving Just Day By Day
I Had Some Dreams But They All Blew Away

And Then I Saw Your Face Across A Crowded Room
My Heart Missed A Beat, Oh, Did You Feel It Too
To Trust Someone You Just Gotta Be Bold
The Wall That You're Building Is Crumbling, Oh

Why Don't We Break It Down
Why Don't We Break It Down, Pretty Baby
It's Gonna, It's Gonna Take
Take Just One Kiss, Just One Kiss
It's Gonna, It's Gonna Take
Take Just One Kiss
To Break It Down

You Look A Little Lonely, Babe, A Little Blue
I Said You're Not The Only One, I'm Lonely Too
I Can't Deny My Heart Anymore
You Give Me A Feeling That I Can't Ignore

You Try To Play It Safe, But You're Not Really Shy
You Try To Look Away, But I Caught Your Eye
You Can't Hide, It's All Over Your Face
The Barrier Between Us Is Losing Its Place

Why Don't We Break It Down
Why Don't We Break It Down, Pretty Baby
It's Gonna, It's Gonna Take
Take Just One Kiss, Just One Kiss
It's Gonna, It's Gonna Take,
Take Just One Kiss, Yeah Just One Kiss,
It's Gonna, It's Gonna Take
Take Just One Kiss
To Break It Down

Why Don't We Break It Down
Why Don't We Break It Down, Pretty Baby
It's Gonna, It's Gonna Take
Take Just One Kiss, Just One Kiss
It's Gonna, It's Gonna Take,
Take Just One Kiss,
To Break It, Break It Down

It's Gonna, It's Gonna Take
Take Just One Kiss, Yeah Just One Kiss,
It's Gonna, It's Gonna Take,
Take Just One Kiss,
To Break It, Break It Down,
It's Gonna, It's Gonna Take,
Take Just One Kiss,
Just One Kiss

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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