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'Luxury Cage' by 'Republica'
from the album 'Speed Ballads'
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Lyrics for 'Luxury Cage' by 'Republica'
Future You, Future Me
You Make The Whole Damn Day Feel Longer
It's Taking Me Over, It Makes Me Feel Older
Creature You, Creature Me
I Shed My Coat, But It Turned Winter
Just Look At The Weather
It's Raining Forever
But I Could Stay, Stay In This Luxury Cage
Wouldn't That Be Great
I Don't Think So (i Don't Think So)
Yeah I Could Stay, Stay In This Sparkling Fake
Stay In This Beautiful Masquerade
I Don't Think So (i Don't Think So)
Future You, Future Me
I Shut Myself Out From The World Now
The Sounds Getting So Loud
You're Making Me Spin Round
But I Could Stay, Stay In This Luxury Cage
Wouldn't That Be Great
I Don't Think So (i Don't Think So)
Yeah I Could Stay, Stay In This Sparkling Fake
Stay In This Beautiful Waste Of Space
I Don't Think So (i Don't Think So)
Future You, Future Me
I Guess I'll Have To Set My Sights Higher
I'm Too Near A Liar, It Makes My Feel Tired
But I Could Stay, Stay In This Luxury Cage
Wouldn't That Be Great
I Don't Think So (i Don't Think So)
Yeah I Could Stay, Stay In This Sparkling Fake
Stay In This Beautiful Waste Of Space
I Don't Think So (i Don't Think So)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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