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'The Apologist' by 'Rem'
from the album 'Up'
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Lyrics for 'The Apologist' by 'Rem'
They Call Me The Apologist.
And Now That I'm At Peak.
You Know At First It Really Hurt.
We Joke About These Things.
I've Skirted All My Differences
But Now I'm Facing Up.
I Wanted To Apologize For
Everything I Was. So
I'm Sorry, So Sorry
So Sorry, So Sorry
So Sorry, So Sorry
So Sorry…

Did You Understand Me Right?
The People Here Are Good.
They Tell Me What I Should Have Done
And Offer What I Could.
I'm Good, All Is Good
All's Well, No Complaints.
When I Feel Regret,
I Get Down On My Knees And Pray.
I'm Sorry (so Sorry), So Sorry (so Sorry)
So Sorry (so Sorry), So Sorry (so Sorry)
So Sorry (so Sorry), So Sorry (so Sorry)
So Sorry (so Sorry), So Sorry…

I Live A Simple Life
Unfettered By Complex Sweets.
You Think This Isn't Me? (so Sorry), (so Sorry)
Don't Be Weak. (so Sorry)
There I Go. (so Sorry)
I'm So Sorry.

Thank You For Being There For Me.
Thank You For Listening, Goodbye.
I Can Forfeit Selfishness
I Hope For You That You Apply
This Happiness
This Peacefulness
This Peacefulness
I'm Sorry (so Sorry), So Sorry (so Sorry)
So Sorry (so Sorry), So Sorry (so Sorry)
So Sorry (so Sorry), So Sorry (so Sorry)
So Sorry… (so Sorry)

I Live A Simple Life (so Sorry) (so Sorry)
Unfettered By Complex Sweets. (so Sorry) (so Sorry)
You Think This Isn't Me? (so Sorry)
That's So Sweet. (so Sorry) (so Sorry)
I'm So Sorry

Thank You For Being There For Me.
Thank You For Listening, Goodbye.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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