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'Turn You Inside Out' by 'Rem'
from the album 'Green'
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Lyrics for 'Turn You Inside Out' by 'Rem'

Divide Your Cultured Pearls In Haste
I'm Looking For To Lay To Waste
Of All The Things I Cannot Taste
And This Not The Racy Race
They Spoke Loud

(chorus 1)
I Believe In What You Do
I Believe In Watching You
It's What You Do
I Believe In What You Do
I Believe In Watching You

(chorus 2)
I Could Turn You Inside-out
What I Choose Not To Do
I Could Turn You Inside-out
What I Choose Not To Do

(chorus 3)
Given The Choice
Given The Heart
Given The Tool
Given The Word
Given The Cheers

(repeat Chorus 1)

I Believe In What You Do
I Believe In Watching You

(repeat Chorus 2)

I Believe In What You Do
I Believe In Watching You
Given The Choice
I Believe In What You Do
I Believe In Watching You
Given The Heart
I Believe In What You Do
I Believe In Watching You
Given The Tool
I Believe In What You Do
I Believe In Watching You
Given The Word
I Believe In What You Do
I Believe In Watching You
Given The Cheers

I Could, I

(repeat Chorus 2)

(repeat Chorus 3)

Given The Choice
Given The Choice
Given The Choice

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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