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'Wasted Kisses' by 'Prince'
from the album 'Unknown'
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Lyrics for 'Wasted Kisses' by 'Prince'
Why Did I Waste My Kisses On U, Baby?
Why Did I Waste My Kisses On U Now?
Why Did I Waste My Kisses On U, Baby?
Why Did I Waste My Kisses On U Now?

Overdue ¨c That's How I Described The Hour
The Minute, The Moment That I First Laid Eyes On U
I Guess I Knew That Sooner Or Later This Power
Would Manifest Itself Into A Rendezvous

Small Dark Room ¨c That's Where I Let U Smother
In Front Of Your (gut, Tell Another)
Why Should I Care?
Cheap Perfume All Over Those Burgundy Stockings
The Ones I Tied U Up With
I Shoulda Just Left 'em There (shoulda Just Left 'em There)
Why'd I Waste My Kisses On U?

Why Did I Waste My Kisses On U, Baby?


Why'd I Waste My Kisses On U, Baby? (on U)
Why Did I Waste My Kisses On U Now?
Why'd I Waste My Kisses On U, Baby? (on U)
Why Did I Waste My Kisses On U Now?

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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