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'If I Were A Groupie' by 'Pizzicato Five'
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Lyrics for 'If I Were A Groupie' by 'Pizzicato Five'
Translators: Sound Of Music L.n., Corrected By T.m.

"moshimo Watashi Ga
Groupie Dattara
High School No Koro Ni
Tokidoki Kangaeta"

If I Were A Groupie
If I Were A You Girl
If I Were A Groupie
If I Were A Groupie

Moshimo Watashi Ga
Groupie Dettara
Imagoro Wa Doko De Dare To
Kurashiteru Na Kashira

If I Were A Groupie
If I Were A You Girl
If I Were A Groupie
If I Were A Groupie

If I Were A Groupie
If I Were A You Girl
If I Were A Groupie
If I Were A You Girl
If I Were A Groupie

Moshimo Watashi Ga
Groupie Dattara
Bed No Naka De
Tokidoki Kangaeru

If I Were A Groupie
If I Were A You Girl
If I Were A Groupie
If I Were A Groupie

What If I
Were A Groupie,
When I Was In High School
I Sometimes Thought About It

If I Were A Groupie
If I Were A You Girl
If I Were A Groupie
If I Were A Groupie

What If I
Were A Groupie
Where Would I Be And Who With
I Wonder

If I Were A Groupie
If I Were A You Girl
If I Were A Groupie
If I Were A Groupie

If I Were A Groupie
If I Were A You Girl
If I Were A Groupie
If I Were A You Girl
If I Were A Groupie

What If I
Were A Groupie
When I Lie In Bed
I Sometimes Think About It

If I Were A Groupie
If I Were A You Girl
If I Were A Groupie
If I Were A Groupie

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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