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'Weigh' by 'Phish'
from the album 'Rift'
All songs by Phish
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Lyrics for 'Weigh' by 'Phish'
I'd Like To Cut Your Head Off So I Could Weigh It, What Do Ya Say?
Five Pounds, Six, Pounds, Seven Pounds
I'd Like To Go To Your House And Gather All Your Razors And Pick All The
Little Prickly Hairs So I Can Weigh Them, What Do Ya Say?
Five Pounds, Six Pounds, Seven Pounds
I'd Like To Gather All Your Friends And Squish Them All Into A Small
Swimming Pool So I Can Weigh Them, What Do Ya Say?
Five Pounds, Six Pounds, Seven Pounds
Why Weigh On A Sunny Day?
So Much To Do So Why, Why Weigh?
On A Sunny Day, Why Wei-igh-hey?
Why Weigh, Why Weigh?
I'd Like To Hear My Options, So I Can Weigh Them, What Do Ya Say?
Five Pounds, Six Pounds, Seven Pounds
Why Weigh On A Sunny Day?
So Much To Do, So Why, Why Weigh?
On A Sunny Day, Why Wei-gh-hey?
Oh Why(x11)
Why Weigh?

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9


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